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Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Artist

I might be trying to pursue a career as a designer now, but it's fun at times to look back at the work that started this all.  I had more of a fine-arts based training when I submitted my portfolio for school applications as well as in my first year at college.  It's great to see how far everything has progressed.  Most of these are just shots taken from an old digital camera, so apologies for the poor quality!  I should properly scan them in and archive them soon enough. 

And...I've taken one step towards my goal of starting my own design career.  It's one small step, but it's surely just as exciting - I've just opened my Etsy store

Please stop by and take a look.  Happy shopping!

Egyptian-inspired print, hand-painted acrylic
Lattice structure pattern, hand-painted acrylic

Drawing based on a scene from one of Haruki Murakami's novels
Drawing based on a scene from one of Haruki Murakami's novels

Sandwich and Juice Still Life, Oil Painting

Bell Pepper Trio Still Life, Soft Pastels

Floral Study Still Life, Oil Pastels

Feet Drawing


  1. Wow!
    Your drawings are amazing!.. Wish i could do that!

  2. Nice work! Good luck with your Etsy store :)

