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Friday, July 27, 2012


Just found out that Inspirare is sponsoring a little knitwear competition for their store launch.  Since that's what I do, I obviously had to enter!  Below are the designs I have submitted so far for the competition.  If you like them, or me enough, head on over to Inspirare and vote to have it made and sold!  Then, you can buy one of your own and everyone wins :)

Hand-knit Rodin Capelet

Spiral Sweater

Oh, and....a little sneak peek of my next project:

I'm considering re-doing the third figure from the left completely.  I don't know if it's the odd angle, but I keep thinking it looks like she's getting her head blown off and not the whimsy, dreamy attitude I was hoping for.  What do you think?  Work on it, or re-do?


  1. lovely sketches dear! do you take a fashion design major or what?where?:)

  2. I especially like the third firgure, I like this attidude, it is indead unusual but I think it does look like very dreamy and also sophisticated,well I think it's perfect..thx for your comment by the way:D

  3. wow are very talented person! btw I just moved to a new blog! please check out my blog and if you like it, please follow me on Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin, I promise to do the same for you! xx

  4. Your sketches are great. I didn't think that the head of the one looked like it was being blown off, until you mentioned it, hahaha.

  5. I would love to get my hands on these looks!
